Subway to heaven
A Portrait with Subways and Other Side Effects


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An intelligent and touching evening.

Berliner Zeitung

A respectful and gentle theatrical personal portrait.


A childhood in the broom closet… but I don’t feel any compassion for that now! Said Martin Holzapfel to Torsten Clausen. Or something like that. Is the greatest utopia a world connected by subways? Where they maybe only play Berlin songs? Or are we talking about the profession of the actor while rolling our eyes? And what is actually the difference between plastic and plastic, that is, art and artifice?


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This performance gets too close for comfort to the veteran Thikwa performer Torsten Holzapfel. And his life. Or that of his partner on stage, Martin Clausen. A story about overpowering and a game of identities.

Russlandtour 2021

Jekaterinburg, Jelzin Center May 27th | Ufa, Karima National Theater May 30th | Tscheljabinsk, Orlow Drama Theater June 3rd | Moskau, Meyerhold-Centrum June 7th


By, with and about:
Torsten Holzapfel, Martin Clausen
Directed by:
Gerd Hartmann
Stage Design:
Isolde Wittke
Torsten Holzapfel
Costume Design:
Heike Braitmayer
Lighting Design:
Katri Kuusimäki
Stephan Samuel
Scene photo of a performance: Two men are standing in front of each other on a stage.
Copyright: David Baltzer – Martin Clausen, Torsten Holzapfel
Scene photo of a performance: A man with closed eyes in front of a canvas on a stage.
Copyright: David Baltzer – Torsten Holzapfel
Scene photo of a performance: Two men stand in front of each other an a stage pointing at each other.
Copyright: David Baltzer – Subway to Heaven
Scene photo of a performance: Two men stand in front of each other on a stage.
Copyright: David Baltzer – Torsten Holzapfel, Martin Clausen
Scene photo of a performance: Two men sitting in front of each other on a stage.
Copyright: David Baltzer – Torsten Holzapfel, Martin Clausen
