ReTold – Nach:Erzählt: Theater Thikwa at the Special Olympics Festival

31.05.2022 16:38
ReTold -Nach:Erzählt
Drei Personen halten gelbe und orangene Baelle in ihren Haenden
ReTold – Nach:Erzählt
ReTold -Nach:Erzählt

ReTold – Nach:Erzählt

Performance, Dance and Music

How about winning and losing? And with the things in life in general? Theater Thikwa interviewed Berlin athletes from the Special Olympics. Their stories were the source of inspiration for a colorful mix of scenes. A fast-paced mix of short performances and dance acts can be seen several times a day in front of the Thikwa containers located at the Rathauspassagen – topped by fat beatbox music.

From June 18 th to June 24 th at the Special Olympics festival. Daily between 3:30 and 8 pm.

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