ur.kunft am Anfang war PENG BIG BANG | operatic dance fiction
Wie tanzt man den Urknall? ... menschgewordene energiegeladene Teilchen, die sich abstoßen und anziehen ... irgendwo zwischen Urzeit und Endzeit ... Die Performance lebt von den ausdrucksstarken Individuen ... die Musik des mehrfach preisgekrönten griechischen Komponisten Antonis Anissegos ergänzt die Gruppe ganz wunderbar.
In German Ur- is a forming prefix in the sense of 'proto-, primitive, original', i.e. Ur-sprung (origin), Ur-form (prototype) or Ur-kraft (elemental force).What is the beginning of the world? The big bang or god's hand? Is earth formed like a turtles armor or round like an egg? Okay, then a very simple question, equally of vital significance: Which came first, the chicken or the egg? My mother or me? Do you prefer fried egg, omelet or a Kinder Surprise Egg for breakfast? Where does the chicken come from at KFC or McDonalds?
Theater Thikwa playfully imagines and creates its own creation myth between science (non) fiction, hyperreality and fantasy. Mounted images blended with personal memories and histories are collaged and build an operatic new world.
Premiere: June 7th 2017
Tour: KIADA-Festival, Seoul