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Videotrailer: Stephan Samuel

A bristly and beautiful pas de deux ... a physical-philosophical tangle.

Doris Meierhenrich I Berliner Zeitung

When twins meet at the airport and one of them suddenly does not want to fly, things get exciting.Two very independent people meet on the parkour of their life between flights missed again and again, objects created from dreams and speculation about “how autism feels”.


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Videotrailer: Stephan Samuel

This performance is the fifth “close-up”, a series of theatrical portraits about and featuring individual Thikwa performers that we have produced as an occasional series in recent years. After the very successful performance Der diskrete Schwarm der Bourgeoisie, this is the second major collaboration with the performance artist Anne Tismer.

Duration: 55 minutes


Corinna Heidepriem, Anne Tismer
Max Edgar Freitag
Konzept und Regie:
Nicole Hummel, Anne Tismer
Isolde Wittke
Heike Braitmayer
Katri Kuusimäki
Scene photo of a performance: Two women with pictures on a stage.
Anne Tismer, Corinna Heidepriem
Scene photo of a performance: Two women on a stage pushing a digger.
Copyright: David Baltzer – Anne Tismer, Corinna Heidepriem
Scene photo of a performance: Two women on a stage pointing to the left.
Copyright: David Baltzer – Corinna Heidepriem
Scene photo of a performance: Three people on a stage. Two women are sitting and one man is standing.
Copyright: David Baltzer – Max Freitag, Corinna Heidepriem, Anne Tismer
Scene photo of a performance: Two women with ties next to each other on a stage.
Anne Tismer, Corinna Heidepriem
Scene photo of a performance: Two women are laughing on a stage. Luggage and other objects are in the background.
Copyright: David Baltzer – Anne Tismer, Corinna Heidepriem