We are part of the No Limits Festival Berlin!

18.10.2022 15:06

From November 9th – 19th the inclusive NO LIMITS – Disability & Performing Arts Festival  is taking place in Berlin. 

NO LIMITS, Germany’s biggest and most important festival for disability & performing arts, is celebrating its tenth edition.

As an exuberant theater, performance and dance festival we are working together with our long-term partners HAU Hebbel am Ufer, the RambaZamba Theater, Theater Thikwa, Ballhaus Ost and the FELD Theater für junges Publikum. Nearly 50 shows and concerts in 11 days, around 25 performances and projects, an international inclusive exchange program for artists and students, a festival blog for upcoming journalists – NO LIMITS is presenting themselves as the European hub for artists with and without disabilities, as place for innovative movement and inclusive interaction. 

Additionally to the two musical-dramatic own productions you can find two wonderful guest performances on the Thikwa stage during NO LIMITS. Organik Dantza from the Spanish Basque Country is traveling in Arnasa (Atmen) through all motions, which common breathing can spark – gently, playful and surprising. Lucy Wilke und Paweł Duduś explore in Scores that shaped our friendship, invited to the Berliner Theatertreffen 2021 and now for the first time on the stage in Berlin, alongside the live music of Kim Twiddle,  the spectrum of their friendship. A dance performance about closeness, acceptance and devotion, a tender-relaxing pas de deus of touches, which challenges our normativ views as a side effect.

Organizer: Lebenshilfe Kunst und Kultur gGmbH. In Zusammenarbeit mit: HAU Hebbel am Ufer, Theater Thikwa, Ballhaus Ost, RambaZamba Theater, Lebenshilfe Berlin, nbw Nordberliner Werkgemeinschaft. Supported by: Aktion Mensch, Berliner Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Europa.

LEAP … into the Unknown on November 11th + 12th and Vertigo on November 14th + 15th.

We are the host of two guest performances during the No Limits Festival as well. The performance Arnasa is our guest on November 12th + 13th and Scores that shaped our friendship on November 18th + 19th.

Tickets are available here.