theater30thikwa – OCCUPY FUTURE
über die Besetzung der Zukunft


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Trailer: Stephan Samuel

Thikwa is celebrating its thirtieth anniversary! It could be the right moment to reflect upon the long path traveled to get to where diverse theater is today. But we’re not going to that. We’re going to take on the future! Open air and as a theatrical journey through a green courtyard - an approach that can certainly be seen as programmatic. We are going to take on positions and move the figures on the societal chessboard! Reflectively, questioningly, humorously and as a way to think playfully around the corner. The loud megaphones will suddenly become quiet and poetic. What do I wish for the future beyond the slogans but which is still a strong statement? Perhaps something that can be sung together? And the phoenix dances with a new shine along with it. The more we live, the more we learn, the more we are able to clarify, the less we know. Or, to put it completely differently: how do you deal with the future when you can perform an inclusive guest performance on Mars? Can we visit other planets in search of advice or do we end up contaminating them with the expansive nature of the human spirit?


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Trailer: Stephan Samuel

To take on the future, first we need a time machine, whispered Doc Brown, the oddball professor from Back to the Future. It would be nice to have in order to find out what time actually is. Do we like cooler in slow motion or is time lapse the new yoga trend? Maybe we could even stop time from the future or rewind it? A musical journey of discovery. Until the megaphones, both quiet and loud, remind us once again of the present.
Five performances by five choreographers, directors and musicians that Thikwa has worked with extensively over the years. Brought together into an eventful theater parkour. And 25 Thikwa performers, who make the cozy courtyard boil over with their ideas.

Here you can find an interview by Berliner Morgenpost with Nicole Hummel and Gerd Hartmann.

Here you can find congratulations from culture senator Dr. Klaus Lederer regarding our 30 year celebration.

The article from Tom Mustroph in the taz you can find here.

We are happy to celebrate the next 30 years with you.
Because of that we chose a special place to celebrate. The performances take place in the backyard of Expedition Metropolis, Ohlauer Straße 41, 10999 Berlin.
There are different possibilities to reach the location
Bus: M29, Ausstieg Ohlauer Straße (accessible)
Subway: U8 Schönleinstraße | U1/U3 Görlitzer Bahnhof (not accessible)



By and with:
Ismail Arslantürk, Anne-Sophie Mosch, Addas Ahmad, Atalay Dogan, Felix Brüning, Lia Massetti, Stephan Sauerbier, Fabian Bischoff, Corinna Heidepriem, Heidi Bruck, Peter Pankow, Torsten Holzapfel, Robert Janning, Nico Altmann, Tim Petersen, Laura Rammo, André Nittel, Kristin Feuerer, Sammy Serag, Ingo Joers, Vincent Martinez, Hilarius Urban, Tobias Brunwinkel
Anna-Rebecca Thomas, Silke Stuck
Directed by / Choreography:
Martin Clausen, Inga Dietrich, Camilla Milena Fehér, Raphael Schall, Linda Weißig
Concept and Overall Direction:
Gerd Hartmann, Nicole Hummel
Costume Design:
Pablo Alarcón, Heike Braitmayer
Stage Design:
Isolde Wittke
Technical Direction:
Holger Duhn, Eric Scheller, Klaus Altenmüller
Linda Hofmann
Scene photo of a performance: Three people in glitter costumes dancing on a stage.
Copyright: David Baltzer – theater30thikwa OCCUPY FUTURE – über die Besetzung der Zukunft
Szenenfoto einer Auffuehrung: Mehrere Personena uf einer Buehne in weissen Kostümen mit Megafonen. Links eine Rakete auf Pappe.
Copyright: David Baltzer – theater30thikwa OCCUPY FUTURE – über die Besetzung der Zukunft
Szenenfoto einer Auffuehrung: Eine Persom mit Peruecke hält ein kleines Buch hoch auf einer Buehne
Copyright: David Baltzer – theater30thikwa OCCUPY FUTURE – über die Besetzung der Zukunft
Scene photo of a performance: Four men in suits on a stage.
Copyright: David Baltzer – theater30thikwa OCCUPY FUTURE – über die Besetzung der Zukunft
Szenenfoto einer Auffuehrung: mehrere Personen auf einer Buehne. Sie sind gekelidet wie Hip Hop Kuenstler.
Copyright: David Baltzer – theater30thikwa OCCUPY FUTURE – über die Besetzung der Zukunft


Tickets: 16 € / reduced price 10 €
